Organisational Development
Saturday, 03 September 2011 07:38
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Gamos has expertise in organisational development and is constantly researching and developing new approaches. For example in helping Tearfund develop their Capacity Self Assessment tool (CASA). Our belief is that organisational diagnosis is central to developing relevant and appropriate organisation development interventions. Specific organisation development training areas include:

  • Organisational Assessment
  • Strategic thinking
  • Change Management
  • Training facilitators and trainers
  • Volunteer Management
  • What is development?
  • Creative thinking for development


Support and training carried out so far include:

Mar 03 Nov 03, British Council (Cyprus), Civil Society and NGO enhancement Programme

Feb 03 Sept 03, Tearfund, CASA training for UK & Ireland Partners

2001, Tearfund, Indicators and software for CASA project evaluation methodology

INTRAC, Organisation and Capacity Building Training Courses (UK)

INTRAC, Strategic Planning Courses (UK)

INTRAC, ITDG organisational learning

INTRAC, Central Asia

Christian Aid, Facilitation of International department conference

FMSF/EZE, Social Audit

Tearfund, IMOD India Modular Organisational Development programme

Tearfund, Volunteer Management

The following series are offered as one off 1 to 2 day training events with additional follow up coaching if required. The modules can be adapted to the staff needs from providing the basic skills to a more advanced level.


Organisational development modules:

Organisational assessment Reviews the different approaches to organisational assessment. This includes exploring risks, pitfalls, principles and good practice, as well as an opportunity to use some practical tools for assessing the capacity of organisations.

Strategic planning Uses a simple but practical approach that draws on the tools of the appreciative enquiry approach. It uses three basic steps in developing a strategy that is designed to be simple and accessible to all staff.

Strategic thinking A series of creative sessions encouraging 'outside of the box' thinking using a range of active techniques to explore individual and collective creativity be prepared to encounter something different and wacky.

Change Management Explores the reasons for and approaches to change. Identifying the barriers to change and how to prepare for change. Reviews approaches on how to make change happen and the critical factors which make change successful. Professional actors maybe used in the delivery of this module.

Action Learning sets Explores how action learning sets fit into the overall approach of developing learning organisations. Using practical exercises enables staff to start practicing and integrating action learning sets into their work.

Volunteer Management Explores the role and opportunities of working with volunteers. Practical exercises on recruitment, training, handling feedback to and conflict with volunteers. Professional actors maybe used in the delivery of this module.


Project management series:

Project cycle management This is offered at two levels. This first level is a basic introduction to enable participants to plan and implement projects using the core elements of the project cycle and be able to write a good proposal. The second level is more advanced and uses the logical framework an approach which is required by most international donor agencies.

Monitoring and Evaluation This draws on the project cycle and provides the basic steps for planning and setting up a monitoring system and an end of project evaluation. If appropriate this can be based around how the logical framework can be used for monitoring and evaluation.

Proposal writing This explores what makes a good proposal and what donors look for in particular types of proposals. It also explores what are some of risks and dangers of working with donors and how this might impact overall organisational mission and values. Participants will work on their won proposals during the module.


Training facilitators and trainers series:

This series is tended for anyone wanting to develop facilitator and training skills. Where appropriate actors may be used to enhance the learning process. The role of the facilitator is explored in a variety of settings, including internal change agent, community worker and consultant.

Developing good training initiatives This explores the importance of understanding the processes of adult learning and how this can used to design effective and appropriate training initiative. This module looks at why workshops do not always work and why; and what might be some other alternatives for ensuring effective learning.

Facilitating groups - foundation level Practical programme designed to introduce the processes of group dynamics and the application of principles of good practice. This also explores the different roles of the facilitator in working with groups.

Facilitating groups - gathering more ideas This programme is designed for the more experienced facilitator and looks at the use of creative techniques in facilitation and explores in more depth the role and practice of the facilitator.

Mentoring Practical programme designed to equip a mentor with all the skills needed to design and set up mentoring programme. This looks at the core skills and attitudes of mentor, the mentor and mentee relationship, and how outputs are monitored and evaluated.

Digital media communications Gamos are one of the leaders in the use of digital video for use in training and its application to enhancing the good development practice in the areas of urban and rural development. Recent work has included Health education in Cambodia and urban development in Urban South Africa.


Tailor made programmes:

Tailor made programmes of support can be put together around specific needs of an organisation which might also draw on some elements of the above modules. One particular area of support has been in the design of organisational development and capacity building interventions which might require multiple inputs such as organisational assessment, workshops, and mentoring. The evaluation of training initiatives is also covered in this area.