Gamos has long held the view of impact assesment as a priority in development and was thus commissioned to write the World Bank's Framework for the assesment of ICT pilot projects handbook.
In investigating the social factors , we have become concerned that there are two weaknesses that seem to be current in development work. We believe in the centrality of participation for all development planning. However, we also believe that the development sector should attempt to measure the impact of participatory processes in developmental outcomes in order for the world to learn what works and what does not, and undertake new activities accordingly. Two main tools have been developed.
- TORA - The Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA) is best understood as a series of hypotheses linking outcome beliefs, social referents, attitudes, intention and behaviour. It has been used widely in the North. Gamos has been one a few pioneers who have applied the TORA to developmental and extension activities. Unlike commonly used participatory processes the TORA methodology that we use brings to light 'why' people do things, allowing educational messages to be targeted accordingly. In the last four years, Gamos has applied this to a number of development processes and activities. It has proven to be applicable cross culturally and has shown clear effective benefits to programmes.
- Using non-parametric multivariate statistics for impact assessment. Through using this tool, we have been able to show the linkages between variables such as 'participation in meetings' and developmental impact indicators. We believe this is an important contribution to the development sector where 'processes' are emphasised but rarely scientifically assessed.
The techniques we have used are not unique and are regularly used in other sectors such as psychology and health care in the North. However, we believe that Gamos is one of the few organisations that has applied these planning and assessment tools to the development sector in the South.
We also have an understanding of the more commonly held models and methodologies such as the Livelihoods model, Participatory reflection and Action, etc.
Impact assessments carried out so far include:
- 07, IDRC, External Review of Conectivity Africa, Africa
- 06/07, GIBB, Social assesment for microhydro project, Tajikistan
- 06/07, DFID, Catalysing Access to ICT in Africa, East Africa
- 06, ZOA, Organisation wide programe review, Africa, Asia
- 05, CWS, Evaluation of Programmes, Cambodia
- 04/05, IDRC, Monitering and evaluation of ACACIA, Africa
- 04, AGAPE, Evaluation of Community Development Programme, Moldova
- Sept 03, CORD, Assessment of Community Development Programme, Albania
- Aug 2001, CORD, Community Maintenance & Sustainability Component. UNDP, Albania
- Apr 98 Mar 99, DfID, Impact of wind generators in Inner Mongolia