ICTs for Development: Contributing to the Millennium Development Goals
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How can ICT be used effectively across a variety of sectors to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals? What can we learn from ICT pilot projects in developing countries about proper design, sustainability and impact of such interventions? infoDev commissioned Gamos to conduct a detailed analysis of seventeen ICT-for-development projects it had funded in the past several years to capture lessons about how, and why, such projects succeed or fail.

The Impact of Mobile Phones in Africa
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The demand for mobile phones in Africa in the last few years has been more than most people expected and continues to expand. Operators have traditionally targeted urban areas, but it is the demand from rural and low income areas that have exceeded all expectations. This paper, prepared by Gamos for the Commision for Africa, proposes three key areas where support from high level institutions could help African countries exploit the potential that mobile technology offers to the vulnerable.

Good Practice Paper on ICTs for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
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This report, prepared by Gamos, aims to give an overview of what the OECD Journal on Development members currently know about how ICT use in developing economies can stimulate economic growth and poverty reduction. It draws attention to the cross-cutting applications of ICTs, to their role as tools, not goals, and links their use to development co-operation.

New M-Money Report
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This report, co-authored by Gamos, provides the information needed to assess M-Money as a business opportunity. It outlines the various models and concepts of mobile enabled transactions (Mbanking, Mpayments, Mtransactions), differentiating between the various business models, and illustrating the potentially disruptive nature of some of the models. The different business models are further differentiated in the light of the relevant technologies - eg Near Field Communication, Sim Cards and Combined Smart Cards.

Nokia Siemens Networks Report - Towards Effective e-Governance
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Gamos contributed strongly to NSNs report "Towards effective e-governance: The delivery of public services through local e-content"

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